
Our Laboratory is located at the Department of Biochemical Sciences A. Rossi Fanelli of “Sapienza” University of Rome.

It is comprised of 3 rooms (each of around 30 sq. mt.) that are fully equipped with all the apparatus required to conduct redox biochemical studies on human and animal samples, and cell culture.

In addition to the basic instruments, the major scientific instruments available include:

-80°C and -20°C freezer (Angelantoni) for tissues and fluids samples storage, all the tools to perform mono- and bi‐dimensional electrophoresis (Bio-Rad),

Chemidoc MP (Bio-rad) and PD‐Quest software (Bio-Rad) for image analysis and cell culture facility,

PCR and RT-PCR apparatus,  fluorescent microscope for immunohistochemistry, multiwell UV/Vis and fluorescence plate readers (Thermo Fisher Scientific),


and personal computers iMac (Apple) for data collection and analysis.